two white women with brown hair walking down a cobblestone street in Soho

How to stand up for yourself

Dec 16, 2023

We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Karen Binder-Brynes to The Style That Binds Us podcast. Dr. Karen is a leading Psychologist with a private practice in New York City. She provides individual as well as marital, family and group psychotherapy. In addition, Dr. Binder-Brynes is a leading expert in the field of posttraumatic stress. She has worked with front line COVID-19 first responders, firefighters after 9/11, survivors of the Holocaust, and she counseled the Episcopal priests in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina and more. She has contributed to The New Yorker, Tracy Anderson, Bustle, Vogue, Goop, CNN among others. She is the mother of two daughters, and she now has three grandchildren as well. Today, Dr. Binder-Brynes is giving us her top tips on how to stand up for yourself, how to find your voice and more. Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts & Spotify.

Find links to previous episodes with Dr. Karen Binder Brynes here:

Books mentioned during the episode:

The Style That Binds Us


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