manhattan at sunset

Where are all the eligible single men in New York City?

Jan 29, 2023

Do they exist? If so, where? How does one meet them? What is it that the elusive eligible single male does in a day, week and on the weekends?

How is it that I have so many badass, incredible female friends that anyone would be lucky to date that are single? Apparently the ratio of men to women worldwide is relatively equal in number, yet why is it that there always seem to be more women than men at events, in your life & so on?

Now onto dating apps. Honestly, I have never had the time, energy or patience for them. I have downloaded them ~3 times trying to have an open mind and a feeling of excitement at the chance to connect with someone I would be interested in dating. Unfortunately, there seems to be way too many people on the apps yet no good options. Exasperated, I usually end up deleting them within 24 hours of downloading them.

Ideally, it would be much better to meet someone in person through a mutual friend or a set up. This is a low-pressure way to determine if you’re into someone without having to deal with the time-consuming dating apps. It is also a great way for them to be pre-vetted instead of taking the chance of meeting someone online that you’ve never met and know nothing about.

What’s our solution? We are thrilled to invite you to The Single Mix & Mingle: an in-person event where we’ll invite all our kick-ass single female friends as well as men they would be interested in dating to get these matches happening organically. We’re going to have a blast while finding the romantic partner you’ve been looking for. ARE YOU IN?

For females: fill out this form to get on the event list.

For men, you’ve got to apply. In order to meet these beautiful, successful women, you’ve got to work for it! Fill out this form to apply.

Both men and women single & in a relationship, feel free to share with your single friends of both sexes!!

*Wondering what to wear to The Single Mix & Mingle? Wardrobe Consultant, Alison Bruhn, is here to help!

GOOD LUCK, and can’t wait to see you at The Single Mix & Mingle!

Delia Folk


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