Two women both white with brown hair smiling. One is standing by a desk wearing a red suit. The other wears a black crew neck long-sleeved top with a black, white and red skirt with feathers she is sitting on the desk and wearing black heels

We were featured on the She Said / She Said Podcast!

Feb 2, 2021

A huge thank you to Laura Cox Kaplan for having us on your podcast! We thoroughly enjoyed speaking with her and hope that you will enjoy listening.

In this episode, we answer the following questions:

  • How to get your start in the fashion industry?
  • How did The Style That Binds Us get started?
  • You already had established your own individual businesses, when did you realize it made sense to collaborate more directly?
  • You each personify a different generation….let’s talk about “age appropriate fashion” (is there such a thing from your standpoint)?
  • How do you help clients develop their personal “style,” and how do you help them “evolve” that style as they age?
  • How about helping our daughters develop their own sense of style while also helping to avoid some of the less desirable trends…(I’m talking things like midriffs, and things that are a bit too revealing, etc… )
  • There isn’t a single segment of our economy that hasn’t been impacted in one way or another by covid. Let’s talk about how covid has impacted the fashion industry, and what we can expect to see more of/less of going forward.
  • Consumer trends… as a result of covid. How consumer habits may have changed. Do you think those are long term shifts?
  • Will we see consumers making different purchase decisions and shopping differently?
  • Let’s talk about the link between confidence and how we pull ourselves together. It can seem superficial, but I always feel much more confident when I’ve taken a bit more time and care with what I put on – even if i’m sitting around the house. What are your tips for striking that balance…especially right now since so many of us are working from home?
  • Sustainability? Is it a fad?
  • What should the consumer know and how should she think about this idea of sustainability?
  • 3-5 most important pieces every woman needs in her closet?
  • Given covid, our work wear has really shifted. Give me your thoughts on how the most important key pieces in a woman’s wardrobe may also have shifted. Or have they? 
  • You often profile and showcase emerging designers. Talk about what you look for in the designers you like to showcase.
  • It can be tough to break into the fashion industry, what’s your advice for others who aspire to work in the field?
  • Your mother/daughter partnership… talk about how you navigate differences of opinion? Did you establish any ground rules before you started?
  • As you think about your business, what’s the impact you hope to have had?
  • If you had to boil your style advice down to one thing, what would it be for each of you?

The Style That Binds Us


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