Two white women with brown hair smiling at the camera

We were featured on the Pivot with Purpose Podcast!

Jun 21, 2022

A huge thank you to Meghan Houle for having us on the Pivot with Purpose Podcast! In this episode, you’ll get the inside scoop on The Style That Binds Us: how/why we started the company as well as how our career path & experience led to starting our company. A huge focus of our conversation is PIVOT, specifically, when/why we made pivots in our life & business, and how our experience led us to that decision. We get into the nitty gritty of running a business and discuss the pros & cons of our pivot, what challenges vs. opportunities we have faced and more.

We also get to talk all things fashion & style covering topics like: why you should pursue a career in retail, what to wear vs. not to an interview, how to create visual harmony through what you wear, the key staples every wardrobe needs, how to grow an emerging brand, why one should work with a personal stylist, how to leave a lasting impression and so much more. We hope you enjoy this episode!

The Style That Binds Us


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