White woman with brown hair standing against a column with beach in background

Low Heel Shoes & Wraps

Jun 15, 2022

Happy summer!

This month I thought I would share with you some problem solving tips. As you get older, or any time in your life really, there may be times when you would rather not show your arms. This is exceptionally difficult in the summertime, because of the summer styles, but also because of the heat! To make life a little easier, I curated a selection of “third layer” pieces that you can throw on-wraps, lightweight cardigans, shrugs, etc. Carry them with you to take on and off as needed. I have a small collection of these in my closet in various styles and colors for this purpose. Here is a link to a video where we discuss the importance of wraps. 

The other thing that many of my clients are struggling with these days is where to find dressy shoes with a lower heel or block heel. Some people don’t enjoy wearing high heels anymore, and others are having issues because they are attending outdoor weddings and events, and finding it difficult to walk in the grass, on cobblestones, or on gravel etc. Is this you? If so you’re in luck! Below, you’ll find suggestions at different price points, & I even included a few for a beach wedding or event.

If you have something that you are struggling with in the style department, email alison@thestylethatbindsus.com; it may end up in next month’s newsletter! After all, we are all on this adventure of life and growing up (are we ever fully grown up?!) together!

Well that about “wraps” it up for this month,


Alison Bruhn




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