Stylish mother daughter duo dressed in red, black & white on set at a photoshoot. Wearing black heels

Important information you need to know about COVID-19, an interview with Dr. Hadley King

Mar 26, 2020

Hello Everyone! Boy, are we living in some wild and crazy times! The overwhelming speed at which our world has changed only adds to the drama, as does the fact that THE ENTIRE GLOBE is in this Coronavirus pandemic together. Adding to my personal distress is the fact that Delia is in a small apartment in NYC (pretty much the worst place one could be now in the U.S.), and I am hundreds of miles away. Our other daughter is living in Denver, where things aren’t that much better. She is confined in an apartment with three roommates, which can be trying at times too. We set up a family Zoom call last night, which helped-seeing everyone’s faces and grabbing some laughs together made it more bearable. Everyone will have his or her unique story when all this is over. Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.


Everyone and their brother has an opinion on how to treat this terrible virus, how long we will all be sheltering in place, what to do to avoid getting sick, etc., and Delia and I really wanted to hear from someone we trusted, who is super smart, practical and calm, as well as a leader in her field of dermatology, in order to get the facts straight as we know them now (note: the podcast with Dr. King was recorded on March 23, 2020),  Because we had A LOT of questions! 


We decided we needed to get Dr. Hadley King onto our podcast to help clarify and sort through the information and misinformation we were getting about Coronavirus.


Hadley C. King, MD is a board-certified dermatologist who specializes in general, medical and surgical dermatology. She is also a Clinical Instructor of Dermatology at the Weill Medical College of Cornell University. Dr. King graduated magna cum laude from Harvard College with a degree in biochemistry. She then received her M.D. from Columbia University. She trained in medicine at Greenwich Hospital, affiliated with the Yale University School of Medicine, and completed her dermatology residency at the Weill Medical College of Cornell University. She listens to an update each morning from Cornell about advancements, progress, etc.

So you see, she is highly qualified to help! Dr. King agreed to talk with us, and we are proud of this episode, which was recorded with each of us in separate places. At The Style That Binds Us, we love to entertain the TSTBU community with fashion tips and trends, and all things art and style, but our goal is also to inform. COVID-19 is a very serious subject, and we hope this podcast will enlighten and help keep you safe and healthy. Remember we may be “Sheltering In Place” alone, but we are ALL IN THIS TOGETHER.


Delia and Alison

The Style That Binds Us




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