Two women standing outside a cab: they both have brown hair, one wears a black leather jacket & a black & white printed dress holding a burgundy purse. The other wears a black & blue strapless top & black pants. She holds a silver purse

Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about finance

Apr 16, 2020

Interview with Delano Saporu of New Street Advisors Group

We had a bunch of finance questions & we found someone to ask them to! New Street Advisors Group focuses on providing financial planning and investment management services to his clients. He worked at Credit Suisse in Investment Banking before starting his own company. We are excited to speak with him today & ask lots of financial questions that we think you’ll find helpful! Delia was on his podcast, Your Money. Your Life., recently so make sure to listen to that episode too! Here is the link to our podcast episode with Delano!! Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

Delia Folk




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