Models walking down a catwalk

How to attend London Fashion Week

Sep 25, 2018

Day 4-6 LFW: The Style That Binds Us Conquers London Fashion Week

It is difficult to believe we have been here for a week, the days fly by because there is so much to do and see. As far as our mission to discover new brands, we definitely accomplished that, and are eager to share them with you! We were also able to make time to visit several museums for special exhibits, which you can learn about on this video. This will be especially helpful if you or someone you know is planning a trip to London this fall!

Last but not least, we found two brand new spots-a fascinating boutique (you will be reading about this one), and a restaurant/hotel that are not to be missed! Does any of this peak your interest? Then grab your pen and pencil and enjoy the video!

Next stop Milan…stay tuned, ciao!

The Style That Binds Us


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