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We were featured on the Social Media for Mompreneurs Podcast!

Oct 29, 2022

A huge thank you to Allison Scholes for having us on the Social Media for Mompreneurs Podcast where we cover visual branding and how we can control how people perceive us! During the episode, Allison asks us questions like the below. Listen to this episode on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

  • Tell us who you are and the story behind The Style That Binds Us.
  • You say fashion can and should be used as a tool to achieve your goals by how we present ourselves to the world. Can you expand on this?
  • What is a visual brand?
  • How can female entrepreneurs find their personal style that reflects their brand?
  • Many women will do professional photo shoots for their businesses or simply snap selfies for social media. What should women be thinking about when it comes to what their wearing for these photos?
  • Do you have any other tips for visual branding?

The Style That Binds Us


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