Two women both with brown hair standing in Paris in front of the Eiffel Tower: one wears a grey suit with a white shirt underneath, the other wears a navy turtleneck & is fixing the other girls blazer

The Style Standard

Oct 8, 2020

This is our promise to YOU! We choose our brand partners very carefully. If you are going to spend your hard earned money on something, we want it to be worth it!! First and foremost, we always test products out before recommending them to you so we can authentically speak from first-hand experience. As you know, once we become obsessed with something, we CANNOT stop talking about it!

Brands must meet a certain criteria. Here are the questions we ask ourselves to see if a brand will meet The Style Standard:

  • Are these products true to their claims?
  • Do they practice or have a goal to practice responsibly and sustainably? 
  • Do we believe in this brand enough to ask our community to spend their hard-earned money on these products?
  • Does the company culture match ours?
  • Is the company focused on diversity & inclusion initiatives?
  • Does this brand share our values and message of uplifting and elevating people’s life experiences, helping our tribe to live a more stylish and fearless life?

If the answers to all of these questions is yes, then the brand meets The Style Standard, and we can look to work with them & introduce them to you!

**This applies to all of our brand partnerships. For our shop sections & shoppable blog posts, we choose items from retailers/brands we trust. We may not have been able to try all of these items, but for our brand partnerships, we most definitely have!

The Style That Binds Us




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