White woman with long blonde hair in a wheelchair smiling at the camera on a rooftop overlooking NYC

Meet Kaycee Marshall, Assistant Designer at Juniper Unlimited – Global Brands Group. Kaycee has been featured on The Today Show and we cannot wait to share her story & message with you. What inspired you to become a fashion designer? Even in elementary school, I was sketching clothes in crayon. Fashion is a way to express […]

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6 people: 3 standing, 3 sitting of a variety of skin tones both men and women smiling and looking at the camera

Using universal design is easier than you may think and there is a HUGE market opportunity for adaptive fashion! Meet Shay Senior, CEO / Founder of Palta, in this Q&A blog interview. His company, Palta, works with brands/designers to incorporate adaptive fashion into their designs. Remember, start small and don’t get overwhelmed. This is such […]

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