Two white women with brown hair smiling at the camera

A huge thank you to Meghan Houle for having us on the Pivot with Purpose Podcast! In this episode, you’ll get the inside scoop on The Style That Binds Us: how/why we started the company as well as how our career path & experience led to starting our company. A huge focus of our conversation […]

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Two women standing in a greenhouse both with brown hair: one wearing a grey & wine colored sweater and the other wearing a wine colored sweater

A huge thank you to StyleBlueprint for featuring our founders, Alison Bruhn & Delia Folk, in the FACES of Birmingham series! Get answers to the below questions in this article: How would you sum up the mission of The Style That Binds Us, and how do you carry out that mission? How does The Style […]

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Black pump walking in Soho on cobblestones

This week we are talking about  how to style the legendary black pump. In this video, we will show you why we feel that the black pump is anything but boring, and show you how we wear it, in hopes that you will be inspired to think of this shoe as a core piece of your […]

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