two women on set: one is wearing a black top and jeans, the other is wearing a navy top and jeans

Style Hack: How To Look Slimmer In Your Clothes

Jul 22, 2018

Monochromatic dressing in an easy way to create a long, lean silhouette.

This week on our “The Style That Binds Us” YouTube channel, I give quick tips about how to effortlessly create a slim look. I am a firm believer in loving your body, in having a strong positive body image, and working with what you’ve got. I also an a wardrobe consultant, and in this capacity, I teach women how to dress in a way that makes them feel modern and powerful. This video shows several possible ways of achieving that goal. I use my daughter, Delia, as my mannequin, because a visual is worth 10,000 words. In this video, I will give a lot of information in a short amount of time about creating a chic look with clean vertical lines, that lead the eye of the beholder up and down the body, rather than side to side!

The Style That Binds Us




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