Public Speaking Engagements

Public Speaking- Conferences, Women’s Organizations, Clubs, etc.

Jul 8, 2018

The Style That Binds Us speaks to conferences and organizations discussing “The Transformational Power of Style – Unlock Your Potential Through Your Wardrobe and Visual Brand”.

Our eye-opening presentations are meant to set your employees/group members up for success by utilizing the power they have in crafting their visual brand and using their wardrobe as a tool to achieve their goals. Our presentations are about so much more than fashion. We explain the science behind dressing and how your visual presentation affects not only your mindset, but also those you interact with.

Attendees gain crucial knowledge regarding how to control the narrative & use their wardrobe as a platform to tell their story. We are here to ensure your employees/members feel like their most confident, strong and powerful selves. Harnessing the power of visual branding will lead to increased productivity and happiness as well as reaching their potential. We have worked with companies and groups such as NASDAQ, Davis Polk, Schulte Roth & Zabel, The New York Junior League, The Tuckahoe Women’s Club, The College of William & Mary, Women In EDiscovery and more.

Topics we cover during the speech:

  • Visual branding 
  • How what you wear can affect you as well as your business financially, emotionally & physically 
  • How to use your wardrobe as a tool to achieve your goals
  • Enclothed cognition – how what you wear affects your mindset as well as those interacting with you
  • Fashion diplomacy – sending messages through your clothing used by politicians & royals 

Feedback from previous speaking engagements:

  • Alison & Delia spoke on a panel with the Chair, Department of Fashion Design & Merchandising at VCU at the The Tuckahoe Woman’s Club in Richmond, VA discussing Fashion Forward: Where We Go From Here. “The mother-daughter duo of The Style That Binds Us presented the perfect event to jumpstart our relaunch into personal style, reminding us of our love affair with dressing up ~ whatever the occasion. Their distinctly professional presentation to a large audience offered a fresh take on fashion and proved highly engaging and informative. Alison and Delia completely wowed the audience. These talented ladies most definitely deliver on style with high quality substance.” -Dana Moore, The Tuckahoe Woman’s Club
  • Delia is such a wonderful speaker! Her ability to engage with the audience is very impressive. She gave a very effective and interesting presentation on the American Jewelry Market and Buying for Department Stores. Delia has a deep understanding of the market, is very in touch with trends and has a keen eye for spotting talent and helping designers grow their business. She has an impressive background in the industry and everyone in the audience benefited from hearing her presentation. They all had positive feedback about her. She was truly amazing and we would be very lucky to have her speak at one of our events again – Leonor Silva, Director of International Relations at ISEM
  • The moment Delia began speaking to our audience at the Summit, she displayed an undeniable range of knowledge, authenticity, clarity, and warmth. She imparted quite a bit of knowledge on our audience, and it was clear that each audience member walked away with specific pieces of guidance to help themselves as designers and businesses flourish moving forward. Our audience members provided incredibly positive feedback on Delia’s talk as well as her openness to questions and comments. She was extremely generous with her time and expertise, speaking with individuals after the presentation was over, making each audience member feel that any question or comment was welcome. Delia was an incredible asset to us as a speaker at the Summit! – Samantha Silverberg, Panel Coordinator at Jewelry Independent Summit

Email to discuss having Alison and/or Delia speak at your event!

The Style That Binds Us


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