Woman standing in front of a painting wearing a scarf, black dress and pink pumps. She has brown hair

How to age gracefully

Sep 18, 2019

Fabulous Life After 40

“Age is the new diversity. From fashion and fitness to wellness and beauty, we are starting to see a broader representation in the creative industry that celebrates beauty in all ages,” Theresa Yee, senior beauty editor at trend forecasters WGSN tells us. -read on Dazed Digital.

It’s about time! Seriously, think about it, we are wiser. We are hopefully less dependent on others’ opinions of us, and we hopefully have a little more money in our pockets than we did when we were younger. We are living longer than ever before in history, and are more active longer.

Women our age are learning to eat healthier and take better care of ourselves. Our sense of style is casual, modern elegance. Whether we are on the job, we are traveling, or we are busy with life at home, we have fulfilling, active lives, and aren’t thinking of slowing down any time soon. I know this to be true because of my personal style clients, who range from college age to the mid 80s! We are women of substance, and we want to spend our time creating the lifestyle that suits us best.

Love this! So, what’s the problem?

Unfortunately, as far as clothing is concerned, there is nothing quick or easy about it anymore. My goal has always been to help women build a working wardrobe, with fewer clothes of better quality, that are easily worn in many ways to create different looks. It has been really difficult at times, because as you and I know, most clothes seem to be designed for and modeled by much younger women, and I mean VERY young (so much so that my 30-year-old clients many times won’t even wear them… “Where am I going to wear that?”, they ask me).

I think it’s insulting, but more than that, it’s not very smart for brands and designers to ignore the very ones that may have the money to buy the pieces they work so hard on. It seems like a no-brainer to me. It has been said that we’re not as sexy, and that it’s young, skinny girls that sell clothes. I say, “We’ll show them!” 

In this issue of “Celebrating Life After 40”, I’ve put together some looks that fit our figures well, that do not make us look or feel frumpy, that are comfortable, but are also super chic. 

Get something new or shop your closet?

It is my hope they will inspire you as you welcome this new season. You can shop these outfits as well, or add a piece from what I’ve chosen to create a similar look from your own closet! I’d love it if you would email alison@thestylethatbindsus.com with questions, thoughts, go-to brands you love, etc. -we are creating our community!

Remember, growing older alone may feel challenging at times, but together we are unstoppable. I have your back….always have, always will. We will be even more important, impressive and stylish as we age….just watch us!

You can see our interview with Sandy here for The Style That Binds Us…what a legend she is!

I (Alison) write a Fabulous Live After 40 Newsletter every 3rd Thursday of the month. Click here to sign up for the newsletter so you don’t miss out!!!

Alison Bruhn


  1. Bradley says:

    This was great! For some reason Ali it went to my junk email. Maybe that’s why I haven’t been getting these. I just happened to look. I don’t know how to fix that?
    Love y’all !!

you said:

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