Girl with brown hair sitting on the dock of the bay wearing a white off the shoulder top, blue jean skirt, brown sandals playing acoustic guitar

Delia learned to play the acoustic guitar!

Jun 23, 2020

During quarantine, we have been trying to keep you entertained and calm. We want you to know that you are not alone, and that even though we may not physically be together, we are thinking of you! I wanted to take it a step further than just entertaining you with my karaoke videos, and wanted to actually make the music myself. Therefore, during coronavirus quarantine, I learned to play the acoustic guitar. This guitar is from the 60s and is my grandmother’s. We hope you enjoy this rendition of (Sittin’ On) The Dock of the Bay by Otis Redding & Sweet Home Alabama by Lynard Skynard!

What new skill have you developed during quarantine?

(Sittin’ On) The Dock of the Bay by Otis Redding

Sweet Home Alabama by Lynard Skynard

Lean On Me by Bill Withers

Delia Folk




  1. Missy Larson says:

    Very impressive and very dear!

you said:

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