Woman wearing a white cotton top, jeans and pink shoes sitting on a stool

Am I too old to wear…

Aug 3, 2019

Celebrating The Second Act – Life After 40

I’ve always seen fashion as a platform to tell your story. What you wear and how you present yourself tells people a lot about you, even before you speak the first word. It can also boost confidence (“look good, feel good”, and all that). Unfortunately, it can have the opposite effect too, you can feel frumpy and out of style; “Are people even wearing this style anymore”?, I am often asked. The same principle can also be said for “Aging”. As you get older, you can feel more confident, sophisticated, strong and relevant, or you can feel less interesting and vibrant, at the worst, invisible.

Why did you start a business after age 50?

I started my Style Consulting business in 2014, because I wanted to feel reinvigorated, I wanted to help other women in some way, and I wanted answers to the myriad of questions I had about the physical changes that were beginning to occur. I knew that if they were happening to me, they were happening to other women as well who would benefit from my knowledge.

At The Style That Binds Us, we speak to women of all ages about fashion, travel, food, art, and interview all kinds of fascinating people– under the umbrella of Style. It is a wonderful experience having my daughter as my partner. There are things that are happening in my life, that are not happening in hers yet, and I wouldn’t want to burden her or bore her or the rest of our younger audience.

What is the Second Act?

Therefore, starting this month, I will write a blog called,  “Celebrating The Second Act-Life After 40” that will come out The third Thursday of every month. I’ll be covering all sorts of topics- fashion (of course), fitness, health, skincare and makeup reviews for our age group, and lots of other topics to help you live a fabulous life, as well as interviews with dermatologists, plastic surgeons, nutritionists, doctors, psychologists, hairstylists, makeup artists, designers etc., because let’s be blunt, things are changing, and we need to know what to do about it!

I’m asked questions pertaining to all of the above by my clients and audience daily, but I don’t have all the answers on every subject…Yet. I will do the work for us and get the answers we are looking for!

The success of this blog series will be up to YOU. The purpose is for you to be filled with knowledge and inspiration after you read it each month. I need your help in return. Together, we can create a community, so that none of us has to go it alone as we head into unmarked territory.

How can I take part in this?

Your job is to engage with me -please respond to the posts, send in what has and has not worked for you personally, send in topics you would like me to cover, questions you have, workout suggestions, diets that have and have not worked, clothing and shoe brands you love, your favorite magazines, the books you are reading….. I want to hear it all!

Together we will create a modern, stylish, informed, magnificent existence, showing others the way,  and we will truly “Celebrate the Second Act-Life After 40”! Are you with me? Click here to sign up for our newsletter to receive the “Celebrate the Second Act-Life After 40 emails!!

Alison Bruhn


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