two white women with brown hair walking up the steps

We were featured on the Fashioncast podcast!

Oct 25, 2022

A huge thank you to Michael Gloster for having us on the Fashioncast podcast! During the episode, Michael asks us questions like the below. Listen to the episode on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. We hope you enjoy!

  • Could you please briefly explain your background and how this incredible mother-daughter business, The Style That Binds Us, was started?
  • The mother-daughter business partnership is unique and refreshing to see. You’ve gained some notoriety as a styling duo! Still, what have been some of your greatest challenges in building a successful business in the fashion industry?
  • The fashion industry offers a wide range of vocations and careers. At what point did you decide to pursue fashion styling instead of design, marketing, retail, management, etc.?
  • The company is based in New York City, arguably the heartbeat of the international fashion world. How has the City helped or hindered your style advice?
  • Let’s talk styling! What is the definition you use to define style and how is that incorporated into your work? What do you value as the most important style element or essential building block for each client? Garment? Accessory? Individual personality? Etc.
  • What are your absolute styling “do’s and don’ts?” For women? For men?
  • Your business caters to a full range of clients; however, are there specific clients that you are more eager to work with based on age, gender, vocation, location, event (i.e.,wedding), etc.?
  • In your opinion, who are the most challenging clients to style? Why?
  • To what degree are women more style-conscious than men? Why? How can men step up their style habits?
  • You were born and raised in the South but educated and trained primarily in New York City. Do you find your styling advice unconsciously incorporates a “southern style?”
  • The impact of COVID on fashion, and particularly style, has been negative (i.e., Google pajama Zoom calls). Is the U.S. finally shaking off the COVID “fashion blues?”
  • What recent style trends have captured your attention as potentially enduring?
  • What inspires your style creativity? For example, are you inspired by international fashion trends? International cultures? The use of color in other cultures? Geopolitical events (i.e., fashion with a specific statement)? Art? Etc.
  • To what extent are your style recommendations influenced by international trends taking place in key fashion meccas such as London, Paris, Milan, Dubai, Tokyo, Seoul, Madrid, Morocco, Sydney, etc.?
  • Given the industry’s ongoing emphasis on sustainability, are any of your clients requesting to be styled in sustainable wear? If so, what are you recommending? To what extent is The Style That Binds Us embracing the sustainable fashion movement?
  • Revenues for the resale luxury fashion market have topped $30 billion per year. Have you incorporated resale online retailers such as The RealReal and Poshmark into your style recommendations?
  • The “metaverse” is upon us and the adult technology sector vs. the game technology sector is growing fast. Within five years, it’s likely the metaverse will impact the fashion industry, and specifically, styling in a big way. Have you begun to think about the technological style transformation and how it may change your business model?
  • What style would each of you describe as your fashion style?

The Style That Binds Us


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