Hello everyone,
Welcome to…
A byproduct of the Coronavirus situation is that we are all being forced to SLOW DOWN for the first time in…well, in forever! You may be “sheltering in place” with loved ones, roommates, or by yourself. Whatever the circumstance, it isn’t familiar, it isn’t fun for the most part, and there is no definite end point.
First of all, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! We are all in this crazy, unprecedented time together. We know that the longer this global ”experience” goes on, the more tedious it will become.
It’s important to keep our spirits up, but difficult to do so sometimes.
The Style That Binds Us put our heads together, did a little research, and came up with a few suggestions for you that you might not have come up with on your own. Sometimes it’s nice to let someone else do the thinking for once! Our goal to inspire you with some ideas for activities while we all “shelter in place”. Have you ever wanted to take up cooking? Try a new recipe you never got around to? This is the PERFECT opportunity to get out your:
We hope you enjoy our shoppable suggestions below of ways to get through these unsettling times. This too shall pass of course, but right now, it’s certainly bleak. Try to think positively, stay strong for those around you and for yourself. You can do this, we all can and will.
This means it’s a “two-way street! If you have come up with some enjoyable ways to pass the days that we haven’t mentioned, please let us know! We will pass them on. After all…
WE ARE ALL GOING TO GET THROUGH THIS, with a little help from our friends,
Sending love and strength your way,
Delia and Alison
P.S. If you are in the mood to dance, we put together a fun TSTBU playlist just for that here!!
Curated style guidance for female leaders who mean business Your professional image is a strategic…
Finding your personal style can be just as challenging as finding your voice at work.…
As a high-achieving female executive, you've likely spent years focused on climbing the corporate ladder…
The empty nest phase can feel both exciting and daunting. After spending years focused on…
We are THRILLED to announce that The Style That Binds Us won Fashion Group International's…
Sara Bader & Elinor Carucci's book, The Collars of RBG, features more than 80 photographs…